fun & sun in aruba

And I got chills reading your blog, Michael. Because there you are at a beautiful resort in Aruba with Alicia, and friends and acquaintances, eating, drinking, most likely there’s dancing and good conversation. It’s an absolutely beautiful evening. You leave because Sebastian is ready for sleep, and you both walk slowly along a path, you find a place to sit, there’s a cool breeze, you watch your baby fall asleep in your arms, and the laughter and chatter of your fellow party goers enjoying a good time reaches your ears and you smile, the stars have filled the sky above. And there you are completely relaxed – totally aware and immersed in the present moment – and appreciating all of it. And you feel blessed. And Sebastian’s lucky to have a father who sees beauty and joy in these kind of moments.

“The moment your attention turns to the now you feel a presence, a stillness, a peace.” -Eckhardt Tolle

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