frog in the lotus position, and agartha by meredith lady young

I bought a gift for a special someone having a November birthday. It’s a statue of a frog (about 6 inches tall) sitting in a lotus position, and it’s on a table waiting for creative wrapping with paper and pretty ribbon. Every time I look at it it cracks me up, and I think it should be mine; but no, it was bought for another. Though now I’m sensing that it should be sent to another special someone who was also born in November; somehow it seems the perfect gift for that person and not for the one originally in mind. Hmm! What to do? These feelings that come from no where are usually on target and should be honored because experience tells me that when they are it all works out.

Earlier today I took the book Agartha A JOURNEY TO THE STARS by Meredith Lady Young from its shelf, and began reading a familiar passage about brain and mind. I think many more people are comfortable with the idea of channeling (yes, channeling) than when the book was first published. It says that the brain is matter and controls “physiological function, adjustment and adaptation.” And that mind “. . . is cut free to assimilate and analyze in a totally unique manner. . . .” if we don’t recognize, learn about, tap into, and work with all that is a part of us (both the known and unknown), then all that can expand our lives will be dormant. When we listen to, ask questions of, and use all the parts of our being, taking steps in small matters to build confidence, we’ll eventually be able to utilize all that we are in all matters, having prepared ourselves for expansion.

With that said, frog in the lotus position will be sent to the birthday person it wasn’t intended for, but whose face comes to mind when I look at frog in the lotus position. Now that was easy; time to wrap and send, and run out to buy another gift for the one who won’t be receiving frog in the lotus position.

The sun is still trying to shine today. Do you feel a chill in the air? Keep warm. And let’s all of us have an exceptional day

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