
I had a recent discussion with someone about bringing up a child in today’s world, and when I got off the phone I took a long, deep breath. it’s an ongoing discussion, and anyone raising a child knows about all the advice and opinions coming from books, magazine articles, blogs, family, and friends, and the confusion at times when needing an answer and finding contradictions.

I feel though that a few things haven’t changed: the ease of teaching at that early fun age by just walking and talking and playing rather than trying to get a teenager’s attention later on; the loneliness of making tough decisions, and the strength that follows; the importance of honing one’s intuition and common sense; guilt that creeps into the mind at all hours of the day and night (It serves no purpose, and it drains one’s energy); the importance of forgiving and then forgetting; communicating as much as possible; laughing often; knowing when to let go; and appreciating the gift of a precious life to care for and to love.

Then I thought again about writing more, and said, no, no, no, it’s too broad a subject having too many opinions. So, instead I’ll generalize and take the easy way and say: parenting in today’s world is having to give all you’ve got and expecting nothing much in return – for a while. It’s about knowing that if you do your very best, you’ll end up smiling often. It’s about building a strong foundation of trust in oneself, one’s child, and the Universe. It’s about developing the power of intuition. It’s about understanding that every child is different and nothing is written in stone, and no one knows a child better than a loving parent/caregiver. It’s about not comparing. It’s about using lots of common sense. It’s about unconditional love, understanding and compassion. It’s about letting go at the right time. It’s about hopefully staying two steps ahead until those parenting skills (which are mostly learned “on the job” – interesting because it’s such an important job) kick in. It’s about remembering the words of the older generation who keep repeating them when they sense you’re about to fall apart: “I know it seems like the longest journey you’ve ever been on, but trust me, it all goes by so fast.” Difficult to imagine, but true; I know from experience that it passes in a flash. Enjoy the ride, and every so often smile when reading the words of Khalil Gibran.

“Your children are not your children.
They are the sons and daughters of life longing for itself.
They come through you but not from you.
And though they are with you yet they belong not to you.
You may give them your love but not your thoughts.
For they have their own thoughts.
You may strive to be like them,
but seek not to make them like you.”

* * * * * * *

And the following are Krishnamurti’s words taken from an address he had given in 1927 and printed in the book The Spiritual Tourist: A Personal Odyssey Through the Outer Reaches of Belief by Mick Brown (“This book starts out excellently and then gets better.” Robert M. Pirsig, Author of ZEN AND THE ART OF MOTORCYCLE MAINTENANCE):

“What are you seeking . . . you who strive and struggle and ache eternally with unsatisfied longings? Is it money? Is it possessions? Is it fame? Is it physical comfort? Is it love? Is it spiritual safety? . . . Yes indeed, you think it is one of these things. But I tell you it is not. What you are seeking for ceaselessly, day and night, is Happiness . . . The thing you seek is ever at your hand. Be Happy, and then whatever you do will be worthwhile . . . Do that which makes you happy to do, and you will do right.”

Today the sun is out in full force and I hear people laughing as they walk pass my window. It looks like a beautiful day; let’s be happy and enjoy.

controversy? or choices, changes, teachings

Before I clicked on, “Empty Spam,” a few words caught my eye, and I had to smile. They were: “Some of the things you say are controversial. . . .” Controversial: “clash of opposing views.”

But . . . opposite views seem a part of life, and help us to sort things out, so to speak. Most of what’s on this blog is light and sort of simple; I like simple. The words that inspire me over and over are: beauty, harmony, love, wisdom, joy, forgiveness, happy, compassion, understanding, fun, elegance, right action, change, laughter, courage, abundance and success (these last two words mean different things to different people). And the Divine. Controversial? – just choices to be made, changes taking place, teachings to ponder.

It often seems, however, that whenever we think we’ve found the “right” teaching from an “expert,” turn around and they’ll always be another “right” teaching” from a different “expert” saying the opposite of what we now hold to be true. I used to find this disconcerting, because it happened a lot. Now I understand that there’s room for many kinds of teachings because there are many kinds of people. And if we’re evolving the way we’re supposed to be, we might need to look around for something that will take us to the next step on our journey. If we stay at the same place, always thinking the same way, how will we ever find the next step?

There’s not just one mountain, one ocean, one kind of animal, one human face looking like all the others, etc. It would be intolerably boring if everything was the same. When we open our eyes really wide we’ll see that change is the spice of life. Many of us think that if we don’t rock our boat we’ll be secure and snug in our own little corner of the world. The funny thing is that when it’s time to evolve, our Higher Self will rock our boat until we fall out. (are you laughing yet?) Does that sound awful? I know, but in the long run it can be an energizing experience if we don’t resist. And quite possibly, after a time, we’ll say thank you for the change.

Choices, changes, teachings – we’re blessed; we have the ability to innately know what we need at any given time – if only we would stay quiet for a while, learn to listen and trust what the within is trying to tell us, and then hone the power within until we become the “expert” in our own life.

No controversy there, right?

It’s time to hit the road 🙂 What a lovely day – may the day be all you want it to be.

* * * * * * *
There is another world and it is within this one.
– Paul Eluard

Let the beauty we love be what we do.
There are hundreds of ways to kneel and kiss the ground.
– Rumi (Coleman Barks, translator)

The music that ushered in the cosmos plays on,
inside us and around us.
– Brian Swimme

How can there be redemption and resurrection unless there
has been great sorrow? And isn’t struggle and rising
the real work of our lives?
– Mary Oliver

Work of the sight is done . . .
Now do heart work
On the pictures within you.
– Rainer Maria Rilke

Which of the two powers is able to raise men to
the highest sphere, love or music? . . .
I think we may say, that while love can give us no idea of
music, music can realize the idea of love. But why separate
one from the other? The soul soars on the wings of both.
– Hector Berlioz

The beautiful quotes above are from: THE NATURE OF MUSIC Beauty, Sound, and Healing by Maureen McCarthy Draper.

contact has begun – a true story with james gilliland. . .a message that will change your world. . . .

The above DVD has quite a full title. Are you interested?

Every so often I pick up a book or a DVD about UFOs. I feel that since we’re part of the Universe, it makes sense to know what’s going on, as much as we possibly can. There are many people who are giving considerable time to the study of UFOs, and in the process are finding out much more. It’s just about impossible now to leave this topic on the back burner. “. . . The Times CNN poll stated that 80% of people believe that UFOs are real and that there’s a government cover-up.” This was noted on the DVD which came out in 2007. Since that time, it’s been reported that there have been numerous UFO sightings by many people in different areas of the world. And so I watched and listened attentively to CONTACT HAS BEGUN A True Story with James Gilliland . . . A MESSAGE THAT WILL CHANGE YOUR WORLD, knowing that it was written and produced by people who care deeply about the Universe, particularly what’s happening to Planet Earth, and who also care about our role as evolving human beings.

Watching and listening to the people who had a part in the documentary was easy and exciting, especially since years ago Hollywood movies and the powers that be put fear into anyone wanting to know more about UFOs. And I began to realize while viewing the above-mentioned DVD that our past knowledge about UFOs hardly holds true.

What should be of interest to all of us is what it has to tell us about: the human race, consciousness, other dimensions, Planet Earth’s distress, UFOs, climate change, ancient civilizations, spiritual awakening, technology, our connection to everything, “the funding of Hollywood,” the military, earth changes, the messages we are being given, etc. I can only imagine what has happened since this film came to market in 2007.

Somewhere in the watching and listening it becomes evident that we need to make necessary changes in order to move forward and to evolve as we’re meant to do. To rescue Planet Earth, the consciousness of every one of us needs to be brought to a higher frequency so that we can work harmoniously together. It would seem that in order to do this we can’t live passively, or in fear, or allow negative thoughts to rule us. It’s been said that when our thoughts are negative we keep ourselves and Planet Earth at a very low frequency.

Also, it seems to be to our advantage to put away some of the “toys” we depend on for entertainment. So much time goes to entertaining ourselves with things that, in the end, leave us dissatisfied and keep us from knowing things about ourselves that, to put it frankly, are awesome. It’s been said that daily allowing for private time and journal keeping in order to ask ourselves questions and be willing to hear the answers about ourselves can restore us to a higher frequency, and when that happens, we can expect, well, I think you know what. And then we can begin to eliminate fear, and start to do the things that in our deep-down private moments we know we’re capable of doing.

From what I understand, as long as we’re not hurting anyone, the way we want to live life is absolutely our choice, and the choices are unlimited. It’s everyone’s birthright to dig deeper and deeper into the how-to of living a life of joy, peace, wisdom, beauty, loving-kindness, and abundance. It seems though that fear keeps most of us from living extraordinary lives.

The Universe is wonderfully fascinating and we all have to dare to expand our relationship to all that is, and who we are, and where we’re going. Living in kindness, harmony, compassion unconditional love, beauty, forgiveness will align us to a higher frequency, and together we’ll restore Planet Earth to the dignity it once had, and in the process, we’ll realize that we’re so much more than we imagine ourselves to be.

I’m glad I had the chance to watch and listen to:

James Gilliland
Dr. Brooks Agnew
Dr. Miceal Ledwith
Dr. Michael Salta
Neil Freer

If you opt to view CONTACT HAS BEGUN . . . , or another DVD of that ilk, sit, watch, and listen carefully til the very end. You just might be glad you did.

I hope the day is an absolutely lovely one for you.

* * * * * * *

We arrive at truth, not by reason only, but also by the heart. – Blaine Pascal

I would rather live in a world where my life is surrounded by mystery than live in a world so small my mind would comprehend it. -Pastor Harry Emerson Fosdick

Don’t play for safety – it’s the most dangerous game in the world. – Hugh Walpole

The greatest gift you can give the world
is your own growth into the full consciousness
of your own possibilities – and ultimately
the evolutionary possibilities of the
whole human species. – Alan Watts

frog in the lotus position, and agartha by meredith lady young

I bought a gift for a special someone having a November birthday. It’s a statue of a frog (about 6 inches tall) sitting in a lotus position, and it’s on a table waiting for creative wrapping with paper and pretty ribbon. Every time I look at it it cracks me up, and I think it should be mine; but no, it was bought for another. Though now I’m sensing that it should be sent to another special someone who was also born in November; somehow it seems the perfect gift for that person and not for the one originally in mind. Hmm! What to do? These feelings that come from no where are usually on target and should be honored because experience tells me that when they are it all works out.

Earlier today I took the book Agartha A JOURNEY TO THE STARS by Meredith Lady Young from its shelf, and began reading a familiar passage about brain and mind. I think many more people are comfortable with the idea of channeling (yes, channeling) than when the book was first published. It says that the brain is matter and controls “physiological function, adjustment and adaptation.” And that mind “. . . is cut free to assimilate and analyze in a totally unique manner. . . .” if we don’t recognize, learn about, tap into, and work with all that is a part of us (both the known and unknown), then all that can expand our lives will be dormant. When we listen to, ask questions of, and use all the parts of our being, taking steps in small matters to build confidence, we’ll eventually be able to utilize all that we are in all matters, having prepared ourselves for expansion.

With that said, frog in the lotus position will be sent to the birthday person it wasn’t intended for, but whose face comes to mind when I look at frog in the lotus position. Now that was easy; time to wrap and send, and run out to buy another gift for the one who won’t be receiving frog in the lotus position.

The sun is still trying to shine today. Do you feel a chill in the air? Keep warm. And let’s all of us have an exceptional day

bus stop boutique + etc.

Isn’t it a delight when you unexpectedly come across a shop that caters to your needs, one that doesn’t require an inordinate amount of time to find exactly what you want? That was the case when I happened upon BUS STOP + Etc. “Fancy That . . . Happy Accident!” What lured me into the shop was a piece of paper attached to the entrance door, sort of a lovely letter to anyone who’s thinking of entering. It was beckoning. Theirs was not a big selection, but better yet, they had the right selection of shoes, boots, stockings, along with a feel-good-atmosphere and friendly and helpful staff. I’m looking at a post card from BUS STOP that reads: “Travel to BUS STOP and it will be no accident. Our shop is chock-a-block full of eclectic shoe styles from all over the world! BUS STOP is a women’s and men’s shoe boutique on historic Fabric Row, owned by London-born Elena Brennan.”
750 South 4th Street, Philadelphia, Pa 19147

So there I sat with my two boxes of possibilities while nearby an older and interesting man was hobnobbing with the staff. Then the conversation rolled around to winter and colds (maybe because customers were trying on boots), and he said something like this, “Half a raw onion every day prevents colds.” And the conversation took off as someone else said, “Yes, my family eats raw onions in the winter, and garlic is very good, too.” Suddenly I was lost in my own reverie as I thought, how did I forget that bit of information, my father always ate lots of raw onions in the winter, etc.

Burger Heaven is a coffee shop in Manhattan, and the establishment was always very generous with portioning out raw onions, and for many years they had a service of providing in their vestibule a small table with a bowl of chopped parsley for customers to chew to get rid of raw onion breath. I haven’t been there in a while, hopefully there’s still a bowl of parsley. What a good idea.

So, before the day is done let’s not forget to buy a lot of delicious organic onions and garlic, and, oh yes, perhaps parsely, too.

Are you all enjoying the day?

uncomplicate it

I’ve been a seeker of Truth for a very long time. Actually that can mean different things to different people; there’s much to know is all I know. I can smile now at detours taken along that long fascinating road. Detours occurred because many accumulated beliefs always surfaced contradicting just about everything I read and heard, causing the studying to always end with a but. . . . It was an arduous task to get pass all the buts, and how to make sense of it all. When an answer for the “buts” wasn’t forthcoming, books, tapes, etc. were put away with a sigh, and I went back, more or less, to the old way of thinking. It was becoming a pattern, put them away, and when that nagging feeling presented itself, take them out. One day I sensed that the Power within was becoming impatient with frequent packaways; It wasn’t buying the I’m in; I’m out kind of game. It took a while for me to realize that certain things started happening when I decided to be “out” – that outside circumstances made my life quite miserable. Of course, it was really me who was making my life quite miserable and until I made a clear-cut decision I would be riding the steepest of roller coasters, and that wasn’t good. Then one day I knew without a doubt that the old way wasn’t an option anymore; being “in” finally felt wonderful.

We live in a rather complicated world, made so by man himself, and we think everything is this way. Those scientists who are looking at the universe through a new lens are marveling at the elegant simplicity and simple brilliance in which all things were created.

The old way of wallowing in stress, negativity, doubt, anger, envy, fear, feelings of inadequacy and helplessness, etc. has us believing we’re victims of circumstances and that life is indeed complicated. The remarkable truth is that at any time the choice is ours to uncomplicate the way we think and live by using that Power within our own selves.

I know a young person in his early 20s whose teen years were spent in distress and confusion. He left for college and in a relatively short time he’d turned his life completely around. He’s thriving with his music, retreats, meditation, travels abroad, school, friends, choice of foods, and I’m sure the list goes on. There’s serenity, peace, calmness, tranquility (good words, yes?) in his beautiful eyes. And I say, Wow! – it sure didn’t take long for him to get from here to there. Then again, we’re all unfolding, all evolving on our own schedule, and some people are able in “the twinkling of any eye” to reach new levels of development, thereby changing their vibrations.

In the East this change would be explained by pointing to reincarnation: the young man had worked on himself in previous lifetimes, and in this lifetime he had only a few short steps to climb in order to make that change. It makes perfect sense to me.

People often say, I’m too busy to think about those things. It’s true, they are really, really, really busy. Though nothing looks urgent in all that busyness. It’s often just busyness to be busy. And that’s okay; we all get to decide when. The when though sometimes comes with a swift kick in the pants in one form or another – accident, marital problems, addiction, a death – to give us a little help in deciding whether we’re ready to be in or out. I love Tom Shadyac’s movie I AM. It’s alive with the beauty and mystery of life. And his bicycle accident certainly put things into perspective for him, as he says in I AM the movie.

Louise Hay tells a little about her childhood in the book YOU CAN HEAL YOUR LIFE, and in so doing explains the power of the thoughts we think all day long. She has a delightfully straightforward manner, and the following story is so simple it’s impossible to miss its point. Her stepfather abused her; additionally the family was at the poverty level. One day at school a cake was brought in to celebrate a classmate’s birthday. Some children got one slice, some two, Louise got nothing. She explains that at that time in her life she felt almost invisible, that she didn’t matter; she had nothing and she got nothing. Don’t be sad for Louise though, she’s not that person anymore; she’s not in that place anymore.

The beauty of the implementation of this subject is that we don’t have to go anywhere to figure out the power of our thoughts. All we have to do is observe them and in the observing we’ll develop a keen awareness.

Enjoy the day! 🙂

the healing power of balanced emotions and coincidence-?

Recently while in Virginia I found two books of mine tucked away in a box that’s now in Michael’s and Alicia’s new attic. Twelve years have passed since the books were packed away, along with others. The Healing Power of Balanced Emotions by Dr. Frederick Bailes was bought at Science of Mind in 1991 at 14 East 48th Street in NYC. I smile when looking at the book because highlighting and underlining have taken over its pages worn by frequent readings.

The other book Coincidence-? was written by a British author Margaret Gordon Moore in 1948. It was found in a used bookshop and its simplicity speaks to anyone interested in spiritual matters. The author was intelligent, well-heeled, wise, and wonderfully interested in the kind of stories that are of a spiritual nature, and tend to be difficult for many people to believe. Those who believe though appear to benefit greatly. In the Preface of her book she wrote: “Many people have written asking for another book like Things I can’t Explain. It is not possible to repeat such personal experiences. There were others, but, although of exceeding interest, not yet to be made public. So I have collected the incidents in this book, which are true and well authenticated, changing names and places except where I have the kind permission of friends to give their real ones.”

Some books in the market place relating to matters that are not mainstream are wordy and complicated. These two books are a reminder that it doesn’t have to be this way. We just need a little prodding from people having a solid spiritual core to remind us that in this world there is so much more than meets the eye – we just need eyes to see and ears to hear.

* * * * * * *

“Man’s study of the universe is revealing that there are laws upon laws, and laws within laws. Beyond and behind the physical principles which have given man all his inventions lies a great realm of spiritual law ‘in which we live and move and have our being.’ Man has been so busy making himself a more comfortable animal that he has neglected a systematic study of these spiritual laws. Only recently has any serious effort been made to understand them. Yet they are closest to us, operate constantly within us, and are most vital to our happiness and well-being.” – The Healing Power of Balanced Emotions by Dr. Frederick Bailes

“Bodies come and go and are made to clothe the spirit during its schooling, its sojourn, its imprisonment on earth.”

“When this is really understood, all values change. Men and women then become minds and souls.”

“Nothing material can possibly be eternal.”

“You have free will, and only you will be responsible for your choice and its effects on yourself and others.”
– Coincidences-? by Margaret Gordon Moore

a balancing act . . .

When mind body spirit thwart any attempts to gather more information on vitamins, veggies, fruits, herbs, to eat meat, to not eat meat, toxins, potent spices good for the body, healings, qi gong, yoga, meditation, spiritual workshops, inspirational movies, great books, informative magazine articles, the Earth, the Universe, etc. it’s simply saying let’s think about other things. This happens when lethargy sets in regarding things that are ever so fascinating. The idea is to listen, clear the mind, renew, and head for fun and relaxation. After all mind body spirit know when it’s time for a balancing act. Do you agree that this probably holds true for just about anything?

First though the three websites listed below are too good to overlook today.

Enjoy this hot and humid day any way you can, well, within reason 🙂

caleb hawley, kalahari bushmen, rumi

I like your post, Emi, and when you described the five trained dancers kicking and flipping at Steps On Broadway while listening to the lyrics of Caleb Hawley, I was reminded that there’s another side to the how of meditating; it’s movement. Instead of sitting, the body moves, and dictates exactly how it will move. It’s the way of the Kalahari Bushmen of Namibia and Botswana – “one of the oldest living cultures on earth” who sing, dance – shake, vibrate – all night. THE BUSHMAN WAY of TRACKING GOD by Bradford Keeney, PHD.

Reading Bradford Keeney’s book is exhilerating, to say the least. He seems to forever be on cloud 9; his enthusiasm for this way of tracking God doesn’t stop throughout the book. And to read it is to suddenly find yourself wanting to find a beat on a CD that might somewhat duplicate the beat the Kalahari Bushman dances to. Oh, Yes! And there you are moving to your own body’s dictate, listening, being aware. To what? – you ask. To the place within you that’s been wanting to reveal things to you alone. The jacket of this wonderful book says, “The Bushman Way of Tracking God will redefine everything you ever thought you knew about life, spirituality, and the divine.” That’s the truth.

20140301-201808.jpg And a moving meditation was Sufi poet, mystic, and originator of the dance of the whirling dervishes Jalaluddin Rumi’s way when he began whirling, turning, spinning through the streets of Konya, Anatolia (present-day Turkey). If you carefully read and reread this simple, beautiful, 151 page book, Rumi’s Four Essential Practices – Ecstatic Body, Awakened Soul by Will Johnson, perhaps you will never eat the same way, breathe the same way, move the same way, gaze the same way – see things in quite the same way again.

As you can see, Emi, your enthusiastic description of Sunday’s performance at Steps got me thinking. I liked it, and knowing you, I bet you wanted to be on that stage kicking and flipping, “shaking your booty” with the dancers.

Time to get moving.


When Michael got his first camera, it was love at first sight. He wended his way along the streets of Manhattan observing, waiting, enjoying, clicking, and developing. He captured the city in spring, summer, winter, fall – the parades, the buildings, the solemn times, the happy times – people in general.

Recently I mentioned to Michael how nice it would be to see a few of these photos, perhaps as part of a blog. I think he said yes to that, but I’m not sure.

One incident stands out when remembering Michael and his camera. I remember a lovely evening and a teenage Michael. He’d left the apartment with his camera, and then he was back – his face had an expression I didn’t recognize.

This is what happened: There was for many years a wonderfully stocked newspaper and magazine shop with friendly and kind owners at 23rd Street and Third Avenue. He’d gone into the shop looking for the latest photography magazines. In front of the racks was a young man also carefully perusing the fine display. They stood together both earnestly looking for the right magazines. The young man finally chose, bought, and left. Soon after Michael left with his purchase. The scene that greeted him changed the evening. A few minutes ago a young man was happily browsing in a shop. Now he was sprawled on the street as were his motorcycle and magazines. They said he died instantly. That night a camera was put on its shelf for awhile.

In many books it’s written that we are all one with each other – that we are connected with all of life. If Michael had come upon the scene of the accident while walking, undoubtedly he would have continued on with the evening. However, a slight connection with the motorcyclist changed all that.

Why do I write about this story when it seems to not have a direct connection to photography? Well, it’s this – a good photographer has a keen eye and when that eye instinctively focuses on something, and clicks the camera which stills the image, the photographer’s photos “speak” about beauty, joy, harmony, love, sadness, tragedy, fun, sickness, faith, adventure, power, success, courage – life and death in their many forms. They “speak” to different people in different ways. Perhaps the things seen with a camera are seen because of one’s life experiences – not everyone sees the same things through a camera’s lens.

I  know posting this is not a guarantee that photos are forthcoming. However, I’m cultivating the fine art of patience.