early mornings

Good morning! How are you today?

The days begin early in the neighborhood where I hang my hat because I’m across a narrow street from the Mercado San Francisco, and the people at the mercado work many hours outside selling scarves, ponchos, sweaters, blouses, dresses, bags, pants, alpaca blankets, hammocks, hats, and more, all in piles and piles. A lot of the merchandise comes from the Otavalo area, and guess where else . . . China. That’s not difficult to believe, although to some buyers a little disappointing – until they notice they still have a lovely scarf, or whatever else they bought. It’s hard to walk pass the mercado and not buy. One reason is the Otavalans working there beckon to the passerby with their easy smiles.


Also, the days begin very early because the entrance door to the building where I live is one flight of stairs from my apartment, and that steel door slams from early morning until late into the night. It’s another reason an alarm clock is not needed. This morning I decided getting out and about early with a camera would be entertaining and fun. And it was. I took this picture at the corner of Padre Aguirre and Mariscal Sucre.

20131013-213415.jpgBeauty is all around in the mountain city of Cuenca.

20131013-215729.jpgAt Parque San Sebastian.

I hope the weekend is exactly as you want it to be.

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“Man moves in a world that is nothing more or less than his consciousness objectified.”
– Neville, Your Faith Is Your Fortune

a brief encounter with grace


Yesterday as I was walking along Calle Larga, a busy street in Cuenca, looking for Bananas Cafe, I saw a lovely twenty-something woman with a hula hoop. She was dressed in clothes made of long, soft flowing fabric. She, tall and delicate-looking, was one with her hula hoop. Ever so gracefully she was performing in the middle of the street seemingly without a care in the world. It was mid-afternoon, and, at that particular time, everything around her briefly stopped. Then the light changed and we all woke from what seemed a dream.

I have a hula hoop. I’m practicing. She’s my inspiration.

Are you enjoying the day?

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“It is not because things are difficult that we do not dare;
it is because we do not dare that they are difficult.” – Seneca

“Expose yourself to your deepest fear;
After that, fear has no power,
And the fear of freedom shrinks and vanishes.
You are free. – Jim Morrison

bananas, cinnamon, and . . .


Walking away from the Mercado 10 de Agosto on Calle Larga in Cuenca without carrying a big bunch of bananas is not easy. For one thing, those big bunches of bananas look rather tempting piled so high, and, for another thing, when at the mercado, one bunch doesn’t look like much when next to piles and piles of bananas. So I buy and buy big bunches of bananas and then I’m in a race to eat them.


In the process of eating the big bunch of bananas (20!), I discovered that they’re scrumptious when thoroughly mashed and sprinkled with good quality cinnamon. One early morning, I decided to start the day that way. I shook and shook the bottle on two thoroughly mashed bananas. Then I noticed the color wasn’t quite right, and picked up the bottle – it was cayenne pepper. I looked at those mashed bananas, and wasn’t sure what to do. Then I reached for the cinnamon.

The bite of cayenne, the sweetness of bananas, the delicate taste of cinnamon – you might want to try it. Oh, yes.

I hope you can say it was a wonderful day.

Sweet dreams!

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“As soon as you wake up, take your first conscious breath, stop and say thank you, thank you, thank you.” – Panache Desai

a cleanse, or bread and ice cream?


My son and daughter-in-law, Michael and Alicia, are doing a cleanse. I see their Facebook pictures and read their comments about the weight flying off of them, so to speak. I can imagine the delicious juicing going on in their kitchen.

And I am in Cuenca, Ecuador gaining weight from doing what seems to be a favorite pastime here – eating bread and ice cream. Oh, dear, the temptations are great . . . rarely can you walk down a block without seeing people eating, usually ice cream. Then there’s the passing of one bakery after another on almost every block. Additionally, and unfortunately for me, I met a gringo who told me about Maria’s Alemania at Hermano Miguel 809 y Sucre – it’s all about delicious bread! I could have done very nicely without that information. And to boot, Ecuador has an abundance of luscious fruits, and fruits have their own calories that can add up unless mindful eating is taking place. Ha! – hardly at the moment. So, I’ll say this, right now it’s okay, the enjoyment is nice, and I know how to change it at a moment’s notice . . . when I’m ready.

So, Michael and Alicia, enjoy losing all those toxins and seeing the weight flying off your bodies. Good for you!

As for me, well . . .




I hope you’re having the kind of day that makes your heart sing.