detoxing {:-)


You’re not bored with reading about detoxing, are you? I’m posting about this subject again because it’s important to share this particular treasure box. Have you experienced detoxing yet? There’s a marvelous list of things that happen to mind body emotions spirit when we commit to detoxing and to breaking old habits of dependency on foods that don’t serve us well. The detox journey, written about in the book CLEAN by Alejandro Junger, is a perfect guide for 21-days of cleansing. And the CLEAN website allows for connection to a community of like-minded people, and, additionally, a professional and friendly support team is ready to answer any and all questions needing answers.

A list of foods need to be eliminated when beginning the Pre-Cleanse, and the reasons why are thoroughly explained in the book. On the Pre-Cleanse, meals are chosen from the menu section of the book, and three full meals a day are eaten for three days. It’s a nice head start before starting the Cleanse which consists of two liquid meals and one full meal a day. I’m enjoying shopping for, buying, and bringing into my kitchen a delightful array of foods not tried before, and embarking on an unfamiliar way of eating. When first looking at the food selections in the book, I didn’t realize how much fun it would be to completely change a way of eating. Change is good!

Before beginning the program, the thought occurred to me to skip the three-days of Pre-Cleanse, but daughter Sumi said, “I think you should do it.” I’m glad I did; Sometimes it’s good to heed advice. Truthfully, as far as the Pre-Cleanse was concerned, I was ready for ghastly headaches occurring from being deprived of coffee and caffeinated teas. The only thing that happened was being in a state that hovered between foggy head and stupor. It was only for three days though. Of course, everyone will have different experiences.

Today is my third day on the Cleanse (Hallelujai!), and I’m thinking that more of an understanding of body mind emotions spirit is coming into play, and I’m beginning to feel that following the Cleanse to the letter, brings an experience unlike any other.

I think it’s vital to read the book with a fine tooth comb, so to speak, because therein lies the powerful motivation for wanting to do the Cleanse. Once the book is read (and reread throughout the Cleanse), and an understanding of how toxins, sickness, healing, health happen, a whole new world opens up. And that is nothing less than empowering.

I hope your day was all you wanted it to be.

Sweet dreams.