the healing power of balanced emotions and coincidence-?

Recently while in Virginia I found two books of mine tucked away in a box that’s now in Michael’s and Alicia’s new attic. Twelve years have passed since the books were packed away, along with others. The Healing Power of Balanced Emotions by Dr. Frederick Bailes was bought at Science of Mind in 1991 at 14 East 48th Street in NYC. I smile when looking at the book because highlighting and underlining have taken over its pages worn by frequent readings.

The other book Coincidence-? was written by a British author Margaret Gordon Moore in 1948. It was found in a used bookshop and its simplicity speaks to anyone interested in spiritual matters. The author was intelligent, well-heeled, wise, and wonderfully interested in the kind of stories that are of a spiritual nature, and tend to be difficult for many people to believe. Those who believe though appear to benefit greatly. In the Preface of her book she wrote: “Many people have written asking for another book like Things I can’t Explain. It is not possible to repeat such personal experiences. There were others, but, although of exceeding interest, not yet to be made public. So I have collected the incidents in this book, which are true and well authenticated, changing names and places except where I have the kind permission of friends to give their real ones.”

Some books in the market place relating to matters that are not mainstream are wordy and complicated. These two books are a reminder that it doesn’t have to be this way. We just need a little prodding from people having a solid spiritual core to remind us that in this world there is so much more than meets the eye – we just need eyes to see and ears to hear.

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“Man’s study of the universe is revealing that there are laws upon laws, and laws within laws. Beyond and behind the physical principles which have given man all his inventions lies a great realm of spiritual law ‘in which we live and move and have our being.’ Man has been so busy making himself a more comfortable animal that he has neglected a systematic study of these spiritual laws. Only recently has any serious effort been made to understand them. Yet they are closest to us, operate constantly within us, and are most vital to our happiness and well-being.” – The Healing Power of Balanced Emotions by Dr. Frederick Bailes

“Bodies come and go and are made to clothe the spirit during its schooling, its sojourn, its imprisonment on earth.”

“When this is really understood, all values change. Men and women then become minds and souls.”

“Nothing material can possibly be eternal.”

“You have free will, and only you will be responsible for your choice and its effects on yourself and others.”
– Coincidences-? by Margaret Gordon Moore