stirrings from within

I went away last week-not far-but far enough to see that life is just a little different there than it is here at the moment. That’s always okay because one finds food for thought in places that are different. What wonderful conversations I had with three people at three different times. Neat! Interestingly, these conversations were along the same lines, having to do with relationships which can get rather sticky at times-if we let them. These three people are searchers. The thing is though that they’re not quite sure what they’re searching for. You can tell when they’re talking that there’s something nagging at them and it keeps telling them at every opportunity that there’s a better way of thinking, doing, imagining, loving, and, in general, living. Every indication suggests that the time is right for them, and now they’re paying attention to the stirrings from within urging them to watch, trust, read the signs, let go and be open to change, to discover and explore a better, more powerful and loving way of being in this world. Ah, what an adventure; it’s an amazing journey we’re all on.

“Before you die, dare to walk the wildest unknown way.” – Bryce Courtenay

“Let the beauty we love be what we do.” – Rumi

“What we achieve inwardly will change outer reality.” – Otto Rank

“Unless you leave room for serendipity, how can the Divine enter in? The beginning of the adventure is to lose your way.” -Joseph Campbell

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