
It’s fascinating to observe the goings on in the world. And when you stop to take notice that what’s reported in the media is rather different from what’s happening it becomes almost amusing. It’s necessary and wise to look between the lines, whether they’e written or spoken. All the talk about lack, and yet open your eyes wide and you see that movie land has millions to spend on make-believe, developers keep developing their big buildings (some quite ugly) whether they are needed or not, many perfectly sturdy and stunning buildings are torn down to make way for bigger and supposedly better structures, high-priced designer stores have numerous regular customers, jewelry stores continue to flourish, the Aston Martin always has its buyers, inexpensive and expensive restaurants are filled daily with eager eaters. Life goes on. We live in a world where the very poor, the not so poor/not so rich, and the very rich exist together. It’s a nice feeling to stop once in awhile to look around and see the wonder of it all. The world’s offerings are endless. Take a look at all the people – every single person on this earth existing in a different way – no life is ever the same. People come and people go; the world changes, and yet it doesn’t. And the earth continues to accommodate it all. And to stay in the moment is to live in peace.

“Fortify yourself with contentment,
for this is an impregnable fortress.” – Epictetus

“Be content with what you have,
rejoice in the way things are.
When you realize there is nothing lacking,
the whole world belongs to you.” – Lao Tzu

“Who is rich? He who rejoices in his portion.” – The Talmud

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