“everything indeed has a spirit” – ouspensky

IMG_1920.JPGSometimes as I walk along the river and pass a cluster of homes like these, and happen to look up, I think about the interesting stories they could tell . . . if they could tell.

And sometimes I think about the following:

Colin Wilson wrote about Ouspensky in one of his books . . . Gurdjieff had taught Ouspensky about self-remembering. It’s about being aware of yourself and at the same time being aware of what you’re looking at. Ouspensky would walk around St. Petersburg in Russia late at night, and practice self-remembering by noting buildings, small objects, etc. The more he practiced the more he felt that these things were aware of him. After awhile he could sense their history. He said, “they were living beings, full of thoughts, feelings, moods and memories.” That’s when he “learned that everything indeed has a spirit. . . .”

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