what happened?

There are people, situations, things that with all your heart you want to keep close to you. But no matter how hard you try something conspires to take them away. For instance, it can be a person. You walk on egg shells for the sake of a relationship. It turns out to be more work than you bargained for, but you keep on keeping on. You want it to flow because you love this person who is oblivious to it all. The feeling can be compared to being in rough waters and rowing a boat with all your might to keep on course while the other person sits opposite you sipping a favorite beverage and enjoying the scenery. Or you have a relationship you cherish. Then ever so suddenly that person is distant. You’re in the dark and nothing is forthcoming. You have no idea what’s going on. What happened? Or it could be a position that’s supposed to be yours. And it turns out it’s not. You’re qualified; you’re downright perfect for the job. Someone with less experience and abilities was tapped. What happened?
Or perhaps you have a business that you’ve put your whole self into. It’s a business that gives you pleasure and you don’t mind. You’re doing fine and it’s all thriving. Then you begin to lose your edge and things begin unraveling. You know it’s possible to get it to where it once was, many people have, but for you it’s like carrying the world on your shoulders. What happened? Or it could be where you live. Are there signs indicating it’s time to move? Are you staying because moving is a hassle and the market is not in your favor. But things are screaming at you; there are signs, but you’re not reading them. You don’t want to move. What happened?

Could it be something is waiting around the corner for us, and what we hold on to is preventing the next step from occurring? Sometimes the energy simply wears away and life is handing us a gift that we can’t yet see. Maybe it’s only when stepping back after giving our all that we can get a glimpse of it. What do you think?

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