it’s the people

People from all over the world visit NYC and think they’re seeing the real USA. How can that be? People from all over the world are living in NYC, it belongs to the world, or so it seems.

Yes, there are the museums, the top-notch restaurants, the ethnic markets, the shopping, Central Park, Rockefeller Center, the clubs, the opportunities, the money, the fashion, the many forms of entertainment, the businesses, the galleries, the beautiful skyline, the colorful neighborhoods, the bagels, the East River, the Hudson River, etc. etc., but the energy of the people from all over the world is what makes it what it is.

If you’ve been living in NYC, and you decide to move away, there’s a chance you’ll be lost, for awhile. For one thing, you’ll be wandering the streets searching for a New York style restaurant, bistro, coffee shop, that feel good place that stays open 24 hours. And you’ll miss the daytime walking, and you’ll miss the absence of people walking at 3am.

If you’re getting a little bored wherever you are, find the nearest mode of transportation that will get you lickety split to NYC. When you arrive, walk the busiest street, disappear into the crowd and feel the energy. All sense of boredom will be banished.

Stay for awhile until you hear the call for quiet time.

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