just pondering

If you could, what would you change in the world on a large scale? If you were up to the challenge, what would your heart tell you?

I think about the people whose focus is to uplift society, and the meager money and attention they get. And I think about those who manage to dumb down society by attempting to pull its people into being unquestioning, and untiring and devoted spectators, completely engrossed in nonsensical things while they with their dumb-down ideas accumulate big bucks. This seems to happen in just about any serious problem facing society – poverty, disease, crime, pollution. etc. Nature, however, suggests that the alternative could be wildly and magnificently different.

During lazy moments, or after reading an article that revs up the intellect, I ponder the many different turns available to a society at any given time in its history. There are the people having an idea for change, and there are “the leaders,” and then those having a say in the matter either wanting or not wanting change (sometimes to the detriment of society, and the betterment of themselves). And lastly, there are those having the energy required to execute the change, or to stop it. And little by little, a society flourishes by those who uplift it, or is tainted by those seeking money and/or power. And what could be simple becomes overwhelming complicated.

That said, I smell change in the air – ready and waiting.


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