
When Christmas shopping has come to an end, I walk into a favorite shop and buy something for myself. A little special something, not a splurge, something only I would call exciting. That something has to be small enough to fit nicely into a suitcase. I never know beforehand where I’ll end up, or when. As in today when I passed Ruka at 114 South 19th Street in Philadelphia, and it hit me – here is the place; now is the time.

It’s always a pleasure to browse and shop at Ruka. There were desert bells hanging on the wall. I took them down. And there were a wonderful array of mala beads. I chose the simplest. Then a little hand bell looking old, and sounding wonderful called to me. I placed these three on the counter. A customer picked up a round metal container, and asked what it was for. It holds spices, someone called out. I’d seen that box in the home of a friend. It holds her fragrant spices, – those she uses most often, and can’t cook if she doesn’t have them. A spice box will one day be mine, too. Not just yet; I’m very good at knowing when it’s time to go. “Ruka offers a treasure trove of items to delight and entice the spirit.”

Now at my place the mala beads are waiting to be fingered, the desert bells are on a hook and sound as sweet as they did in the shop, and the small hand bell has its own perfect place.

Enjoy the season.

May peace be ours the world over.

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