
Sometimes we happen upon a website that simply grabs our attention and doesn’t let go. For the past month for me that website is with Bob Olson. He has been researching the spirit world for twelve years, and in a video on his website, “From Private Investigator to Afterlife Investigator – The True Story” he talks about how he, a skeptic who has a degree in criminal justice and wanted to work for the FBI, or an organization of that ilk, became a private investigator instead, and “fell into” becoming a psychic medium investigator after the death of his father. It’s been written many times that there are no accidents, and it’s obvious that his years as a PI prepared him for his years as an afterlife investigator. It greatly helps to know his background, he said that he stopped counting after interviewing 300 mediums before agreeing that the spirit world, and all it implies, is a very real world. After one reading with a medium, “concrete convincing evidence came through,” and, he said, “that’s when I realized that there’s more to life and death than I ever realized.” Of course, it’s not mandatory to listen to the video in which he discusses his background, though it’s engrossing; however, your belief will be strengthened, and you’ll feel confident and comfortable in taking in his words because you’ll understand that he knows what he’s talking about.

There is a video on afterlifetv titled, What Happens In The Afterlife To People Who Commit Suicide.” it’s an exceptional video, and it can help anyone who is grieving for a loved one who has passed on in this way reach a new understanding.

Also are “two resources for locating legitimate psychic mediums,” and they are: and

When I was young there was an old cemetery not far from where I lived, and I would take a book and go there. Reading the book took second place; reading the names and dates on tombstones took priority. It’s okay; you can call me odd. Though I’m betting that there are a lot of people who feel the same as I do. I feel comfortable in cemeteries and feel that life and death are nicely connected. All we need do is look at the beauty of the world – not necessarily man’s creation, but God’s.

May your dreams be sweet tonight.

“. . . Many years later, Dr. Alexis Carrel – then a famed surgeon awarded the Nobel Prize for his medical research and discoveries, wrote, ‘We must liberate man from the cosmos created by the genius of physicists and astronomers, that cosmos in which, since the Renaissance, he has been imprisoned. We now know that we . . . extend outside the physical continuum. . . . In time, as in space, the individual stretches out beyond the frontiers of his body. . . . He also belongs to another world.'”
– Divine Interventions by Dan Millman and Doug Childers

park slope, baddategreatstory, soba-ya, st. mark’s place

I just returned from Park Slope, Brooklyn where talent, passion and creativity are delightfully displayed in the many excellent small speciality shops lining every block. And recently it was daughter Emi’s birthday and family and friends gathered to celebrate with her. Happy, Happy Birthday, dear Emi! Before we did though there was a show on Friday evening in the East Village related to co-creators Emi’s and Jessie’s website that daughter Sumi and I finally got a chance to see. It wasn’t the usual way I spend my time; but the extracting of laughs from bad date angst can be wildly entertaining. Sorry to say this if you’re newly bruised from a bad date, but you just might have a great story to tell, and let’s face it, it’s probably a funny story that will put things right – if you let it.

Before stepping in to watch the show, Sumi and I had dinner at Soba-ya at 229 East 9th Street. This could be the place for you if you are an appreciator of quality. Sumi had been there before, so in we went, and not for a second did we regret ordering from the day’s specials.

Your imagination will fill you in on how the following six comedians: James Alexander, Will Garre, Rachael Parenta, Jessie Male, Alix Mansbach, and Jason Salmon got a lot of mileage in the telling of their own bad date great story experiences, and, one after the other, kept us all laughing.

Emi and Jessie, you both put together a very entertaining show.

After the performances Sumi and I walked along 8th Street and pointed to all the places where once upon a time stood shops we really liked and now are gone. That’s Manhattan, people and places are always coming and going.

It was now time to duck into the subway station and head back to Park Slope. The evening, well, it was a very lovely one.

And now it’s time to blend an avocado, apple, freshly squeezed lemon juice, chopped ginger, chia seeds, stevia, Navitas Cacao Powder, and 1 cup of water (because there’s no almond milk, rice milk, or coconut water in this apartment at the moment) for a nutritious and delicious smoothie.



I hope you enjoyed the day and that the evening is all you want it to be.

Foster Gamble and Lilou Mace


Lilou mace certainly knows the right questions to ask when she interviews, and she manages to interview people from around the world who have a lot of interesting things to say. For instance, she asked all the right questions of Foster Gamble, and he spoke honestly about his life (his thoughts on being an heir to the Proctor & Gamble fortune – not what you think – though very refreshing), and he said that the things he’s involved in “move my spirit and thrill my heart” such as he and his wife’s movie, THRIVE WHAT ON EARTH WILL IT TAKE which was eight years in the making, and can be viewed in ten languages. Of course, there’ll always be people who disagree, as with the movie, which tends to make for interesting discussions. For a preview of the film, check out: If we wish to join in the movement, we can click the “solution section” on the website.

Lately I find that the movers and shakers say things that take my breath away. They are the ones who are focused on finding ways to save us and the planet, and have a burning desire to change certain systems so that they work for everyone and not for just a few. Do you agree that we’re living in a fascinating world?


As for the interview with Foster Gamble, click on Lilou Mace’s website: . I don’t think you’ll be bored, and there’s always a chance of coming away a bit wiser and smarter from having watched and listened.

Good night. Make sure your dreams are sweet.

La Grotta in Richmond, Virginia, The clean program, the joe cross film fat, sick, & nearly dead, tinkyada pasta


Over two weeks of scrumptious food was savored during a visit to Alicia’s and Michael’s happy and lovely home in Richmond, Virginia, None of us had the wherewithal to lasso in the others when it came to choosing where and what to eat during the times we ate out at Richmond’s many excellent restaurants. One evening we ate at La Grotta, and were immersed in old world charm. I would definitely return; being there was a pleasure. For dessert I recommend the coconut cake. You might have to make sure that those with you have something tasty in front of them, otherwise it becomes all about sharing, and you know what that means.

After that kind of eating we agreed that once again the Clean Program from the book CLEAN by Dr. Alejandro Junger would be a delight. We were ready for the lightness and clarity that comes with the program – the juicing, the smoothies, the meals from the menu section of the book, and the suggestions for detoxing.

Also, watching the Joe Cross Film, FAT, SICK & NEARLY DEAD (and crying for the people when listening to their stories) is an incredible incentive when wanting to change eating habits. Viewing this movie can change the way we look at food when seeing the suffering faces of people who are sick and overweight, but don’t have a clue as to how to help themselves. The film makes us understand that it’s within all of us to be able to make powerful changes, and shows what can happen when we’re open to change, and ready to take action. It’s beautiful!


And when it comes to enjoying pasta, what a joy it is to know about “WHEAT FREE GLUTEN-FREE GOOD CONSISTENT TEXTURE NOT MUSHY AL DENTE” Tinkyada Pasta. Alicia prepared a meal this way – more or less: She sautéed chopped onions in olive oil, and added lots of garlic. Other ingredients added to the big cast iron pot were mushrooms, kale, spinach, and fresh peas. Also, stirred into that pot were two handfuls of pine nuts, a sprinkling of good quality sesame seeds, shakes of Celtic salt, and twists of tasty pepper. Then the cooked Tinkyada spaghetti was mixed into those ingredients. If you like avocados, slice one and serve with nori along with the pasta meal. Absolutely delicious! Now here comes the hard part, we Americans have to try very hard to remember two words, and the two words are: PORTION CONTROL.


Let’s enjoy this fine misty rain of an evening.


“Your progress depends on your ability to eject old ideas and set opinions. You are fortunate if you have no set opinions.” – Venice Bloodworth

Yes! Magazine

I read last month’s issue of YES! With relish and It helped me to understand what’s going on in the world. I don’t know why I didn’t come across this powerful and practical magazine before last month. YES! writers are well-versed; they tackle the nitty-gritty of today’s very important topics, those that affect all of us, and inform us about issues that are not necessarily aired in quite the same way in the media. YES! readers are given a no nonsense account of how the important issues work, or don’t, on behalf of we the people, and the many ways in which those things that pertain to us are changing due to the creative endeavors of citizens the world over. Knowing what’s actually happening, as opposed to thinking we know, lends power to daily living.

Check it out, there’s nothing to lose and a whole lot to gain. If you’ve been reading YES! all along, good for you, and next time you discover something of interest, tell us about it;-)

I hope you all had a marvelous weekend.


Dying To Be Me


taken from:

Here it is- one more post about the book DYING TO BE ME. Are you saying, why, oh why? Here’s why: In it are words that soothe the human spirit, and the words come alive because Anita Moorjani experienced something utterly magnificent when she had a Near Death Experience unlike any other, and returned to her body with the understanding that it would soon be healed of lymphoma cancer. To not read her book is to not give ourselves the benefit of viewing life in a completely different way. Fear seems to permeate too many areas of life on planet Earth. It doesn’t have to be this way; it shouldn’t be this way. But it is because at every turn, much of what we hear, watch, and read puts fear into us. And although freedom should be ours on planet Earth, it’s really, really not, unless with eyes wide open we make it happen.

We’re also in fear when we sweep sickness and death “under the rug,” facing them (or not) only when a loved one is sick or dying, or when we are. Over and over it’s been said through the ages that opening ourselves to life, to love, allows us to shed the fear and live a fearless life. This is what the message in DYING TO BE ME is about. The words in the book bring us to an understanding very different from what we’ve learned about life on planet Earth. It’s not good enough to just read what others say about DYING TO BE ME. Anita Moorjani’s words as she felt during her experience – her words describing this experience, leave a definite impact on the reader.
During the time of her near death experience family members and doctors were nearby, or down the corridor. In her NDE her consciousness became expansive – able to zero in on conversations and feelings in the “other realm” and on planet Earth. When she returned to her body, and slowly put the pieces together, family and doctors were shocked at what she was telling them, and confused.

DYING TO BE ME, well, it’s quite a book.


Shall we begin right now to experience life lived without fear?

Enjoy the day and let’s all of us dive right into Life.

Anita Moorjani, Bob Olson, Cheryl Richardson, Lilou Mace

Have you listened to Anita Moorjani being interviewed by Bob Olson, Cheryl Richardson, Lilou Mace? – that’s not all; there’s more to watch. In every video interview her words continue to amaze, and the interviewers bring out different parts of her story for discussion.

In his two interviews with Anita Moorjani on her website, Bob Olson shared parts of his and his wife’s interesting journey into healing when Anita discussed her bout with cancer. He has an easy going style, and yet his questions and knowledge set the stage for a rather profound conversation about healing and her NDE. Wonderful listening! Bob Olson’s website is:

Cheryl Richardson brought up some important insights pertaining to Anita’s NDE. The answers to questions asked of Anita could greatly benefit any one listening. If you’ve read her book The Unmistakable Touch of Grace, you understand the reason listening to her interviewing Anita Moorjani is indeed wonderful listening.
She has this to say about her book: “This book tells the story of how grace has transformed my life as well as the lives of others. While some stories may seem unbelievable, all of them are true. Once you finish the book, the way you view your life (and the people in it) will be changed forever.” So true; I’ve read it and can vouch for it. Her most recent book, YOU CAN CREATE AN exceptional LIFE is co-authored with Louise Hay.

And Lilou Mace’s questions highlighted other aspects of Anita’s story which were all related and relevant to the other interviews. Again, wonderful listening. Lilou Mace’s Juicy Living Tour website has its own absolutely top-notch videos by way of Lilou Mace traveling around the world to interview the shakers and movers who – how to say this? – well, let’s just say, help us get from here to THERE. Click on and listen. There’s a huge chance you won’t regret it. And while you’re there, check out Lilou Mace’s full- of-adventure life and how she creates it.

Normally I resist being glued to a computer. However, today was different, and although it was lovely outside, I didn’t mind staying in for most of Sunday afternoon – the remarkable interviews on the above-mentioned websites had me mesmerized. It’s impossible to listen to one video and not want to hear another and then another.

* * * * * * *

“a clear mind can see many more options – unlimited options. It can act efficiently, effortlessly, intelligently, in the present moment, and not be stuck in its deadly stories of past and future.” – Byron Katie




Dying To Be Me by Anita Moorjani


Have you heard of Anita Moorjani’s Near Death Experience (NDE), and her book, DYING TO BE ME? An amazingly different NDE was what she had, unlike any other on record. And the kinds of things she learned while in “the other realm,” and later wrote and talked about in interviews are making the heads of people swirl. The gist of her story is that she had lymphoma cancer for four years, and from the base of her skull to her abdomen everything was swollen, and all through her body she had tumors the size of lemons. Her body was ready to die. And so she did, more or less. In the NDE she was able to know what was happening on earth also. So when she returned to her body she filled in all the details, leaving family and doctors completely baffled. A few days later, she had fully recovered. I’m thinking that DYING TO BE ME must be one enthralling book – a book unlike any other. From watching videos and reading interviews, and without yet reading her book, I can only imagine how her story can expand all of our views about life and death, and possibly teach us to see it all in a new and exciting way.


Sweet dreams everyone. I used to say: Don’t let the bed bugs bite, but, since twice getting them, I don’t say that anymore:-)

egg whites, they’re not just for eating

Lilian, my friend in Malta, forwards information that simply has to be passed along. Will we ever need to use egg whites in this way? One never knows, does one?

The story:

*A young man sprinkling his lawn and bushes with
pesticides wanted to check the contents of the barrel to see how much
pesticide remained in it. He raised the cover and lit his lighter; the
vapors ignited and engulfed him. He jumped from his truck, screaming..*
*His neighbor came out of her house with a dozen eggs and a bowl
yelling: “bring me some more eggs!”* *She broke them, separating the
whites from the yolks.* *The neighbor woman helped her to apply the
whites onto the young man’s face.* *When the ambulance arrived and the
EMTs saw the young man, they asked who had done this. Everyone pointed to
the lady in charge. They congratulated her and said: “You have saved his
face.” By the end of the summer, the young man brought the lady a bouquet
of roses to thank her. His face was like a baby’s skin. * *A Healing
Miracle for Burns:*

*Keep in mind this treatment of burns is being included in
teaching beginner fireman.* *First Aid consists of first spraying cold
water on the affected area until the heat is reduced which stops the
continued burning of all layers of the skin.* *Then**, spread the egg
whites onto the affected area.* *One woman burned a large part of
her hand with boiling water. In spite of the pain, she ran cold faucet
water on her hand, separated 2 egg whites from the yolks, beat them
slightly and dipped her hand in the solution. The whites then dried and
formed a protective layer.* *She later learned that the egg white
is a natural collagen and continued during at least one hour to apply
layer upon layer of beaten egg white. By afternoon she no longer felt any
pain and the next day there was hardly a trace of the burn.* *10 days
later, no trace was left at all and her skin had regained its normal
color. The burned area was totally regenerated thanks to the collagen in
the egg whites, a placenta full of vitamins.* *Since this information
could be helpful to everyone: Won’t you please pass it on?*


food intolerance


Have you heard of Elana’s Pantry? If not, click right here and treat yourself to, well, you’ll see: If you have an intolerance to any food, maybe you’ll let Elana’s Pantry guide you.

Are you sensitive to wheat, soy, corn, or have celiac disease, or in a situation of always having to be on the look-out – closely examing almost every food item in case it contains the above ingredients? Rest assured support in the form of very appealing cookbooks and websites is in your midst, and enjoyment of eating comfortably without any accompanying distress is in your hands – Elana’s Pantry will prove that to you.

I’m glad I had the presence of mind to jot down her website address because this week after preparing almond milk from 1 cup of almonds (It was a very satisfying activity), I looked at the lovely creamy almond pulp left over from straining, and my question was: What to do with it? That’s when I remembered the Elana’s Pantry website. It was a nice surprise to click on and see mouth-watering recipes for the almond pulp, and so many other kinds of recipes. Definitely it’s no ordinary website; it’s dedicated to helping people.

Also, should you, or anyone you know, have a wheat intolerance, the January/February 2012 issue of Spirituality & Health magazine: has an article titled “What Went Wrong With Wheat” By Matt Sutherland. It’s definitely well-worth reading. As a matter of fact, the entire magazine is.

When looking through some notes on this subject, I found an important article in titled “Goodbye Gluten – Digestive troubles are among myriad health risks for people sensitive to this problematic grain protein.” by Linda Melone. In it she cautions about buying packaged gluten-free foods because they’re “not necessarily healthier than those made with wheat.” as they can cause a rise in blood sugar due to the starches used. The article is chock full of helpful information. Also, the following are not-to-be-missed websites:

We’re always learning in this ever-changing world; it’s a fascinating one, indeed.

Let’s have an outstanding day.