certain places

Well, I’m still in a big city and that being the case there’s lots to do. However, I’m not spending time in the typical way i.e. going to museums, touring all the sites and everything else one does. No. This is a more or less contemplative summer. The time is perfect to do this. And although, as we all know, there are many things to do in a big city, it’s possible to not do anything at all. Going to Central park alone and sitting with others who want a quiet day, enjoying the beautiful, majestic old trees, rocks, fountains, lake, pond. And walking a bit longer looking for the perfect place to spread a colorful cotton blanket where the lawn is expansive and there’s more than enough space for everyone, taking out a favorite book from a bag, or a notebook and pen, along with a sandwich and drink is the beginning of a lovely day.

The world is a complex place right now, and to take time to find where one belongs in this world is relevant to the art of living. And that, of course, means different things to different people.

Keep you eyes open, experience more and “see” less. The “sights” have a tendency to merge together. How many Gothic cathedrals can you really appreciate? – Dan Neely

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