seth, a book; gary renard, more books

After reading SETH SPEAKS and now up nights reading THE NATURE OF PERSONAL REALITY, two books channeled by Jane Roberts, I’ll say this, it’s all really, really intriguing. There was a time when I’d hesitate to talk about a book that was channeled. That’s changed. The information in these books can only enhance one’s life and death. The thing is that this kind of information contributes immensely to a life lived consciously and powerfully, and a death of peace and joy. And besides, if we really sat and pondered all those other things we were taught that tend to stretch the imagination, well, why not this also.

As I walked along South Street recently trying to figure out the lay of the Philadelphia land, I came across the bookshop Garland of Letters at 527 South Street. In front to the side of the entrance were a stack of magazines. I took the one called EVOLVE, and glanced inside. I hadn’t heard of “international best selling author” Gary Renard before reading his article in the magazine. He wrote about A Course in Miracles, forgiveness, death, the Mayan calendar, changes in the world, and there’s more. It would seem that checking out this author can only be a good thing. And he talks about his ‘ascended masters,’ Arten and Pursah. Oh, yes.

In the book SETH SPEAKS Seth also talks about 2012 not being the end of the world, and he elaborates beautifully on what’s to come. www.sethlearning . Gary Renard has a somewhat similar view about this topic which many were concerned about as the 21 century approached.

It’s a sunny, fairly warm day here. Hope it’s that way for you. Enjoy!

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